I wrote 3 things I’m thankful for every day and this happened
A couple of months back I felt like I was in a total slump. Trying to cram as much as humanly possible into a day, – wake up, work out, clean, work, work, work some more, home, dinner, collapse on couch – I felt like I was losing sight of (and missing!) all the wonderful things that are a part of each day (anyone else with me?!).
After my sister shared a gratitude challenge she had heard of about writing three things you are thankful for each day, I decided to give it a go. Instead of rushing through my morning like usual, I promised myself that I would take a few minutes every morning to reflect and write down three things (big or small) that I was grateful for. Originally I only committed to doing this exercise for two weeks, but seeing how much it helped me be more present I have made it a part of every morning. Here are a few of the biggest changes that I have noticed:
1. Getting Back Down to Earth
This first one feels a bit obvious, but I was really able to connect with and appreciate all that I am so fortunate to have. Getting so wrapped up in my day-to-day routine, work, etc., I stopped acknowledging all of the b-e-a-u-tiful things to be thankful for.
When we’re consumed with the challenges and chaos of our day-to-day it can be almost too easy to focus on all that we want or isn’t going the way we’d like it to. From the big things like family, to the small things like my morning coffee and favorite slippers, taking stock of every blessing brought me back to the right perspective.
2. Clear Priorities
As weeks went by I noticed common themes emerging in what I had written down each day, including family, friends, and of course two adorable kittens. Spending the extra couple of hours at work to get “just one more thing done” suddenly didn’t hold a candle to being able to make dinner with my husband Nick or enjoy a long catch up call with my mom.
Health and the health of others close to me was also a common theme. That said, I reflected on my own health and fitness goals and committed to getting to the gym every morning, innovating new go-to healthy meals for busy nights, and taking the time to fully disconnect, clear my head, and meditate. No excuses - the promises we make to ourselves are the most important!
That said, seeing these themes develop consistently allowed my priorities to become clearer than ever before. Sacrificing a morning workout or being distracted during dinner because I felt like I couldn’t step away from email were very quickly a thing of the past.
3. Literallyyyy Radiating Positivity
The biggest change I noticed in myself was my perspective and day-to-day outlook. Starting each day writing down and then literally looking at all of the positive things in my life to be thankful for on paper has me feeling optimistic and then some. There is an indescribable comfort in knowing that no matter what happens you have even more to be thankful for.
4. The Written Word is Invaluable
Taking the time to physically write down what I was grateful for each day versus just thinking it in my head held me accountable in taking the aforementioned positive outlook with me throughout the day. #AttitudeofGratitude all the way.
Think you’ll give it a go? Would love to hear whatcha thought💋